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Clove benefits for men and women to improve sex life

Clove benefits for men and women to improve sex life

Clove is one of the best herbs that keeps men's sexually healthy. Clove has many benefits for men as cloves act as the aphrodisiac for men. In this article, we will guide you about clove benefits for men and women. We will also discuss the benefits of cloves sexually.

What are cloves (Syzygium Aromaticum)?

Clove has a burning taste and offers an air of excitement and romance. Cloves are flower buds, unopened, and dried. It is a herb and various parts of this plant, including dry buds, stems and leaves are used to make medicines.

They are found in both whole and ground forms. Ground cloves quickly lose their culinary and medicinal benefits if not used in a short time. Therefore, ground cloves are less commonly used than petioles.

Clove nutrients

According to the national standard reference nutrition database, the nutrients found in 100 grams of cloves include

65 grams    
6 grams
13 grams
2 grams  
 Meal Fiber
33 grams
 Energy (kcal)
274 (kcal)

Minerals in cloves
Cloves also contain a good amount of minerals.
Calcium,Iron ,Magnesium,Phosphorus,Potassium ,Sodium ,Zinc

Vitamins in cloves
Cloves are enriched in vitamins including:
Vitamin C, Vitamin B6, vitamin B12, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, vitamin D, vitamin K.

Clove benefits for men

Clove is an extraordinary herb for sexual wellness. It is especially useful in boosting testosterone levels. It also improves sexual performance by improving erectile health and one’s control over ejaculation.
Because of its potent antioxidant and nervous stimulation characteristics, clove is one of the most commonly used herbs for enhancing sexual desire. They also have aromatherapy scents and that is why the benefits of cloves sexually are remarkable.

Cloves create sex appeal and Increase sex drive

Did you know that in Asia, men have been using clove to enhance their sexual performance for centuries? Clove is a unique spice for boosting men’s libidos. It improves your testosterone level.

Clove for men's health is very important as they can also increase energy and excitement and therefore leave you with a pleasant scent, which contributes to creating a strong sexual attraction between men and women. Clove has been applied as a cure for low sexual movement and sexual functions in men.

Benefits of cloves sexually as it Increases testosterone

Clove is one of the best herbs that keeps men's sexually healthy, mainly because a small amount of clove can increase testosterone - which is why clove acts as an aphrodisiac for both men and women.

Testosterone is necessary to create sex appeal and Increase sex drive. Low Testosterone levels can drive you to cause erectile dysfunction. And the result is less interest in sex and dissatisfying sex.

Cloves increase the number of sperm

Clove enhances sperm motility.  It contains many essential vitamins that can increase the number of sperm by increasing the effectiveness of the process (Spermatogenesis). It is also the most important benefit of clove for men's health.

Clove benefits for men's premature ejaculation 

Clove is effective in getting rid of premature ejaculation problems, which may suffer many men as a result of stress or some other sexual problems. Clove oil increases the ability of the penis to erect and that of the oil paint on the organ, which contributes to stimulate blood circulation and increase blood flow to the genitals.

Cloves are used in alternative medicine as an effective adjunct in the treatment of premature ejaculation, when combined with other ingredients and applied to the outer skin of the penis before sexual intercourse.

How to use clove for premature ejaculation

·         If you are using a product containing cloves to prevent premature ejaculation, apply it only to the outer skin of the penis. People who use cloves for this purpose can apply the product an hour before sexual activity and wash it just before sexual intercourse.

·         Topical cloves should be avoided if the husband or wife or one of them is experiencing severe irritation of the genitals before or after intercourse.

·         Do not apply clove oil directly to sensitive areas such as the genitals to avoid the risk of burning or pain, and do not use it anywhere without a carrier oil. 

·         Cloves can be combined with other plants or extracts in a specific preparation to treat this condition. Cinnamon with milk or yogurt, plus one teaspoon of clove oil, can be taken daily for at least a month until good results appear. 

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